May 2015 Goals

Well, friends, April was a success! It wasn't perfect, but it was purposeful and fulfilling. I didn't get everything done, and some things I did get done didn't happen how I planned, but the success of the month sits right here: I am ok with that. 

Simplifying and focusing on the heart of what matters, not just a list, was refreshing and powerful for me. I'm thankful for what I accomplished, but more than just being pleased with a checked-off list, I feel more peaceful and alive. 

In April, Woody and I attended one of our favorite Birmingham events of the year, Magic City Art Connection. Our friend Jayne was one of the artists there, and she was working on this painting throughout the event and by the end, I just had to take …

In April, Woody and I attended one of our favorite Birmingham events of the year, Magic City Art Connection. Our friend Jayne was one of the artists there, and she was working on this painting throughout the event and by the end, I just had to take it home! The colors are so dreamy and I love surrounding myself with local art!

I'm going to continue with my simplified flow for May, challenging myself to not "overbook" my to do list and instead really focus in on what matters right now. Along with this, I'm incorporating two new elements into my monthly goals posts! 

  1. Standing monthly goals. These are things I want to do every month like sending birthday cards to friends. Because these recur monthly, it's simpler to list them once and keep them for as long as I want them to apply!
  2. Connecting each monthly goal to one of my big picture 2015 goals. I created a list of 46 goals to make 2015 the best investment possible. Staying connected to these goals is important for determining what to focus on each month and for staying in tune with the heart-work I put in earlier this year to create a vision for a purposeful 2015. I want my monthly goals to support my yearly goals, so to keep on track, I will simply add the list number(s) of the yearly goal(s) that connects to the monthly goal.

Do you see any patterns in the things you want to accomplish each month? What is be your list of monthly standing goals? (see mine below.)

April goals progress

  • Write three blog posts (I didn't hit three, but I wrote two that I'm very happy with!)
  • Travel to Indianapolis for Sigma Kappa event
  • Go to Florence, Al, with Woody for Highlands Staff & Spouses Retreat
  • Read and work through three topics (one-ish a week) from 31 Days of Prayer for the Dreamer and the Doer
  • Take next steps in the home-buying process
  • Look for frames for gold foil Lara Casey Shop prints (I researched what I wanted and was able to purchase them this weekend when they went on sale!)
  • Establish a consistent weekly date night with Woody (we had dates, but don't have a consistent date night yet. We're working toward it though!)
  • Follow up on the Influence conference
  • Send April birthday cards
  • Have a planning night for NYC trip (Paris is out, NYC is in for 2015!)

May Goals

*reminder: the numbers in parentheses by each goal are identifying which of my 2015 goals the monthly goal connects to.
Close on our first home! (eek!!!!) (1)
Spirit + Soul + Body wellness plan with Woody (15, 16, 17)
Celebrate! Christy's girls weekend, Brooke's wedding, and Lucy's birthday! (33)
Register for The Influence Conference (18)
See my mom for Mother's Day (25)
NYC planning night (9)
Send my 30th Birthday party Save the Date (12)
Date night with Woody on the front porch of our new home! (3, 40)
Set dates for North Carolina trip (44)
Order our new couch! (2)

Standing monthly goals:
Send May birthday cards
Write Woody a love note
Monthly goals blog post (check!)
Budget party with Woody

My hope for you this month is to have your heart full. In the midst of the to dos, the schedules, and the spilled milk, there is so much great joy to receive if only we will open our arms and let it in. Happy May!

Congrats to Vania for winning the Make It Happen book from the April goals giveaway!