Dear Momma,

I recently saw a pregnant Momma ask on Instagram for advice as she becomes a first-time Mom, and as I went to write her a response, I realized I had a lot on my heart to share. I’ve been thinking about the transition of welcoming a new baby myself as we’re about to have our second little one, and in the midst of that I’ve felt an almost gravitational pull toward new Mommas. It’s not because I think I’m an expert or have some magic secret to share, but it’s because my heart is so tender toward this season of a woman’s life. I want to give the Moms I see a hug, invite them to take a deep breath, look them in the eye, tell them what an incredible job they’re doing, and encourage them to let go of all the pressure they’re putting on themselves.

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I expect that much of this comes from the fact that it’s what I needed more than I ever realized in my first months of motherhood. I’ve learned so much since Fox was born, and I can only imagine all there is yet to learn.

Let me paint a little picture of myself for some context.

I’m a creative, an idealist, and a hopeful romantic. I love when this all comes together for dreaming big dreams, making things special, and loving people well. I don’t love it when this all comes together in the form of unrealistic expectations, pressure to be perfect, and focus on things that aren’t what matter most.

As you might imagine, with these qualities, approaching the birth of my first child I was really feeling the pressure (from myself) to live up to this grand life experience. I felt like I needed to know all the things, do all the things, and prepare all the things so I could be the perfect Mom for my perfect baby.

Perhaps this true story paints the picture even a little more clearly: on February 1, 2017, when I was most definitely in labor, but in total denial (my due date was February 21), I sat with two of my closest friends (who were far more aware of how close I was to giving birth than I was), and I just kept saying “but I haven’t finished reading BabyWise!”

Like. that. matters. Lord, help me.

Half of you may be thinking, “oh friend, that’s not healthy,” while the other half may be thinking, “yes! I get you—this is me!”

maternity photos_mattye woodcock

In my attempt to control everything to be “just so” I came undone. This is why my heart is so tender, and part of why I’ve felt such a conviction to speak life and truth to other women in this season.

After feeling all of this for months, reading that gal’s Instagram post finally pushed me over the edge to sit down and type out what is on my heart to say to you (to us), sweet Mommas.

maternity photos_mattye woodcock

Dear Momma,

Take a deep breath.
It’s true, you’re not in control,
But someone is—remember God’s got this.
He goes before you, and He has created you to do this.

He chose you to be this baby’s Momma.
This baby.
This baby whom He loves more than you ever could (which will seem incomprehensible most of the time), and He has entrusted His little loved one to you, for a purpose.
You will doubt that at times, but it won’t make it any less true.

The world is full of information, directions, and formulas.
Don’t let all the rules and opinions rob you of enjoying your child and of being the Momma you’re called to be.
Your heart can tell you how to calm their cry better than any book.
Your prayers can be tailored to them better than any sleep schedule.
And you will be loving them longer than any parenting method’s popularity lasts.

You’re learning to be a parent just as they are learning to be a baby.
You won’t do it perfectly, and that’s part of the beauty.
Loving and learning require great doses of grace,
And great doses of grace are good for us.

You’re a good Momma.
You are.
Allow yourself heaps of grace, extra long snuggles, and tears when they come.
Cherish the moments for they only last a season.
The changing seasons aren’t something to fear; they’re something to embrace.
The growing, changing, and loving becomes more rewarding with time.

Sit back and receive the gift of your little one.
Take another deep breath.
You’ve got this because God’s got you.
I’m cheering you on, Momma.

Photos by Mary Margaret Smith Photography

Inspiration for Fox's Big Baby Room

Being that Fox is only 18 months old, I just can't bring myself to call this his "Big Boy" room! With Baby Sister coming this fall, we're moving him into a bigger room and keeping the nursery for her, but he's still a baby, he's just now the "big baby" and she's the "little baby." So, Big Baby room it is. :)

We thoughtfully designed his nursery to work for his newborn days and to grow with him, so many of the elements will stay the same. We're adding a few touches and new items to fit the new space and/or to replace things that are staying in the nursery like the rocker and dresser/changing table. 

original nursery inspiration

Here is some of the original inspiration for his nursery, and collectively I feel the images reflect the design of his room pretty well. For his new room, I want to add a few touches of color as well as some more play items.

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nursery elements moving to his new room

These are the items that are currently in his nursery that will be making their way into his new room!

Gallery wall

Crib and Honey Bears painting

Books (I'm super excited to create a little reading nook for him. He loves books!)

Side table, lamp, and mirror

New pieces

Fox's new room is larger than the nursery, so we needed a larger rug. The rug we love in the size we need was more expensive than we wanted and not very plush. We went with this very highly reviewed natural rug, and we'll layer a smaller version of the blue rug we love on top. It's the best of both worlds!

Sometimes working within a budget leads to an even better solution than you might've reached with unlimited funds. In our home this means Momma (stickler for style) and Daddy (stickler for budget--with an eye for style, too!) are both happy.

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Wayfair (Erin Gates by Momeni)

Since the rocker will stay in the nursery, we need a new chair for Fox's room. We spend a lot of time reading in his room so it's important to have a space to continue to do this as he grows. We were so excited to get this floor sample chair at a great price from one of our favorite local furniture stores. It's in a pattern we love and that works great with the style of Fox's room.

patterned reading chair
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Hayneedle through WalMart

We ordered this leather pouf a few months ago, but since Fox's room isn't ready for the new items yet (it's still operating as a guest room/office/catch-all), we've been using the pouf in our living room. Woody and I are both thinking we're going to have to get another one because we love it so much!

I also want to get some floating shelves for his reading nook, and I haven't decided if I'll move the ones from the nursery or leave them and get new ones for him. I love these Pottery Barn ones, but found a more affordable option at Target. I'm going to wait to decide on shelves until we're further along with the rooms. 

We never ended up with curtains in Fox's nursery, just the matchstick blinds we already had in there. The blinds work great with the style of his room, but we're to the point where we want to invest in some blackout curtains for him. He's never had blackout, and I've always thought it's probably helpful that he's accustomed to sleeping in a space that isn't perfectly dark, but his new room lets in more light, and I want to make sure he has a cozy place to rest and sleep. 

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Target (Cloth + Co.)

Finally, I want to add some fun, playful elements for our active, growing boy! I'm going to put this teepee on his Christmas list hoping a grandparent may want to gift it to him!


I don't know why, but I just love this little alligator! It's such a fun pop of color, and I hope he'll enjoy playing with it!

Well, there you have it! We're getting closer to having his new room cleared out of guest room/office/catch all items, and I am giddy to get going on this project! After I've spent time designing, researching, and imagining, I'm ready to see it all come together.

Most of all, I'm ready to see Fox enjoy his new space that will better fit the stage he's in and the stages to come. Initially, it was hard for me to imagine moving him out of his first room, but when I realized how fun this could be for him I felt much better. Once the space is done, I'll share how it all turns out!

If you have any tips to share for transitioning a child into a new room or things to consider for a toddler room, I would love to hear!

Why I chose a natural labor and delivery

When it comes up in conversation that I had an unmedicated birth with Fox, people usually respond in similar ways, "Wow, you're my hero. That's amazing." It's certainly a nice sentiment, but I usually respond with "That's very kind, but if there is one thing being pregnant and giving birth taught me, it's that there's no easy way to bring a baby into your family. Whether natural, epidural, c-section, or adoption, there are hard things about all of them."

Having a baby is a special and intimate experience, unique to each woman, child, and pregnancy, and while an unmedicated birth was a great path for our family, I don't consider "natural labor" to be the sainthood of childbirthing that its sometimes treated to be.

The truth is, while its valuable to be educated and have plans (or hopes) heading into giving birth, we simply cannot control it. I am so grateful that my body and my baby cooperated with a natural labor, but I know that's not always the case. 

It can be hard not to have hopes or expectations about how birth will go, but what I try to keep at the forefront of my mind is that I want a healthy mom and healthy baby most of all. Also, while there are some medical interventions that would not be my first choice, I'm so very glad I live in a time and place where those options are available and safe. 

Before I continue, let me also say that nothing in this post is intended to offer medical advice. This is simply my thought process and my story. As always, you should definitely consult a medical professional for any of your birthing decisions. 

birth story
birth story
birth story
birth story

My mom had both me and my sister without medication. When she had me, she said that the hospital wouldn't even give her the epidural until she was dilated 7.5 centimeters, and at that point she figured she might as well just go all the way. With my sister, she had a natural labor with a midwife and home birth. She says that if she had ever had another baby, she would've chosen a home birth again. My sister and I are 10 years apart, so I remember a lot about the beginning of her life, including my mom's birth plans.

Having always known my mom had natural labors, it was an option that stayed at the forefront of my mind. In the months and years leading up to getting pregnant, and certainly once I was pregnant, I really had to do some digging into my motivation for choosing a natural labor.

Was it to "fit into a club?" Reach a goal? Impress myself? Impress others? Do what I think was expected of me?

Deep down, I was scared that I couldn't do it, and that maybe I didn't want to. However, over time, and through research, I realized that a natural labor actually was the most appealing to me. If I could help it, I preferred not to undergo the surgery of a c-section, and the epidural didn't sound appealing to me either. I didn't like the idea of the needle in my back, not being able to feel what was happening, being numb after birth, or the possibility of it not taking at all or only partially working, all of which I only knew about from friend's experiences or what I learned in birthing class.  

Probably the thing that confirmed my decision the most was that I did not talk to a single person who'd had a natural birth who wouldn't choose to do it again. Having never given birth, I wasn't sure what to expect, but that caught my attention. On that note, I certainly had many friends sing the praises of the epidural so I wasn't completely closed off to that either (again, with no experience in giving birth, you can only think about it so much because you just don't know the full story!).

So, my plan going in was to go natural as long as I could, and if at any point I felt like we needed to get the epidural I could. Also, if I ended up needing Pitocin to help my labor progress, I was pretty certain I would elect to have the epidural because I've heard contractions on Pitocin are very intense with little break in between, adding another factor to going natural. And, with my main goal of healthy mom and healthy baby, I certainly would not deny a c-section if it were the best way to keep both me and my baby safe.

birth story
birth story
birth story
birth story

My labor was long, but healthy, and Fox never showed any signs of distress. Now that we know his personality (calm and content), that is not surprising at all. Unmedicated contractions and pushing were certainly intense, and I do remember asking Woody, "why did I say I didn't want the epidural?' and at one point telling my nurse that maybe I should just get it. Both of them, very in tune with my heart in the matter, were so supportive and encouraged me to keep going, and looking back, I'm glad I did. 

Fox had a healthy arrival, and once he was here, any pains or discomfort from my labor seemed to fade into the background. All of the sudden, what had felt so intense and all-consuming seemed like a small thing compared to the enormity of meeting our baby boy. 

birth story
birth story
birth story
birth story
birth story

As for our Baby Girl due this October, I'm hoping to have an unmedicated labor again. My heart is in the same place as before: healthy mom, healthy baby is top priority. I'll labor unmedicated as long as my body and baby cooperate, and from there, we will pray and make the decisions necessary to safely deliver our daughter into our arms.

If you're pregnant reading this and considering your own birth options, I don't know that I feel qualified to offer advice, but I can share the things that help encourage and prepare me heading toward labor and delivery:

  • Ask questions, gain knowledge: The more I know going into it, the more equipped I will be to ask the right questions and take the best steps for me and my baby.

  • Don't compare myself to other women: My story is my story, and I know God has a plan for this baby and this birth. As much as I may be familiar with other people's stories, I don't know the whole picture, and making such important decisions out of comparison will not be helpful.

  • Be empowered: I trust the doctors, and I also know that I am my best advocate. I don't have the knowledge or experience they do, but I can ask questions like "what would happen if we don't take that route?" or "can we wait to decide for 30 more minutes?" or "are there any other options that are safe to consider?"

  • Be flexible: We just can't control all the aspects of childbirth. Being informed, empowered, and asking questions will help me, but at the end of the day, maintaining flexibility is so valuable in staying calm and focused on the priority of delivering my baby in a safe, healthy way for both of us.

I hope my story helps encourage you as you think through and prepare for labor and delivery. It truly is a beautiful thing and an amazing gift. God made our bodies to carry and deliver babies, and I believe there is nothing to be afraid of. As always, to the new mommas, longtime mommas, hopeful mommas, expectant mommas, and future mommas, I'm cheering you on!

All photos from the day Fox was born by Mary Margaret Smith

Baby Girl Nursery Inspiration

I feel like I'm in my element designing a nursery for our baby girl. While Fox's little boy nursery was a fun design challenge for me, as a longtime lover of florals, romantic colors, and feminine touches, the only challenge for a girl nursery is how to narrow it down!

One thing that I've learned is that you can't have it all, so its helpful to pick the items you love the most (anything you feel that you "can't live without") and build your design from there. For Baby Girl's nursery, this ended up being a floral bouquet fabric from Fireflies and Fairytales that I just couldn't let seem to let go. This fabric (shared below) gave me a good feel for colors and overall feel, and I was able to pick up items here and there that would work. I'm also a firm believer that if you pick out things you love, it will all work. Of course there are styles and colors that work better together, and I always consider that, but filling a space with things that light your heart up is one of the truest ways to design a space you'll love and will feel so uniquely you.

We're still bringing her room together with decisions to make and items to buy, but its shaping up to be so lovely, and I'm excited to create this space for our newest addition that we'll be welcoming in October. 

Room Inspiration

I use Pinterest for all my design projects, and pinning images of rooms that I like helps me identify patterns of colors, feel, and design elements that are consistently catching my eye. This helps guide me back to center when I get sidetracked in the design process. Enjoy these room inspiration photos!

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Baby Girl Nursery Inspiration 3.jpg
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Baby Girl Nursery Inspiration 5.jpg

Delicious Designs

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Baby Girl Nursery crib.jpg

Custom Curtains

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Baby Girl Nursery wallpaper pink.jpg

Rug Choices

Would LOVE some input here! Share your favorite in the comments below.

Baby Girl Nursery rug inspiration PB.jpg



Caitlin Wilson

Baby Girl Nursery artwork 2.jpg

Some of the items shared here I plan/hope to get, and some are just for inspiration. I love taking the time to research and find things I love and then determine if it works with the style of the room, the other items I've already selected, and my budget. Regardless if a certain item ends up being "the one" it can serve as great inspiration as I shop around, and I've often found great deals at places like Home Goods or Target on items that are so similar to ones I love, but at 1/3 the price! Now, that is a good feeling. 

I'd love to hear any thoughts or questions you have or brand or item recommendations to share!

We're having a baby!

Children are a gift from the Lord -Psalm 127:3

We're so excited to be adding another little Woodcock to our crew this October! Some of my friends laugh that I was basically ready to have another baby the moment Fox came out of the womb. While I wasn't actually ready, the desire for another baby was already planted in my heart. And in his 16 months, there have been days I've looked at Fox and said aloud, "you make me want to have a million babies!"

Baby W announcement

I'm not one of those women who has felt her entire life that she was put on this earth solely to be a mother, yet I have always imagined and dreamed of children. Woody and I weren't in a rush to have babies when we got married. Although we were somewhat "older,", me in my late twenties and him in his early thirties, we figured the days of having kids super young had already passed so we might as well enjoy our first few years of marriage before adding little ones.

This ended up being a great path for us, and we're so thankful for the 4+ years we had growing just the two of us. And now that we're in baby mode, I have the attitude of embracing it fully and keeping those babies coming! 

Baby W 2 announcement
Baby W 2 announcement

The Road to Baby Two

We talked regularly about taking steps toward Baby two once Fox turned one. Of course we would have to see how we felt once we reached that point, but that was where we both felt comfortable. 

His birthday is in February, but come November, I was starting to feel antsy to be pregnant again. I tried to be patient, feeling as though Fox's first birthday was really the right plan. I not only felt it was "our plan," but it's what I had a peace about from God up to that point as well. In a sense, I didn't feel fully "released" to take steps towards getting pregnant yet, I just wanted it. 

Then, in January something surprising happened. When my body let me know I was not pregnant that month, I felt disappointed. Knowing we hadn't really been "trying" I was surprised to feel this way. I prayed about it trying to be honest with God about my feelings. Even though I was disappointed, deep down, I didn't feel like the timing was right. And, there was a sense of knowing God had the right child at the right time for our family. God often speaks to me through giving me a peace in my spirit, and as I prayed, I felt in my heart Him give me a peace of "Fox's first birthday." This confirmed for me what I had been sensing all along, that we could pursue another baby when Fox turned one.

What is so beautiful about this story (and I'll share it without TMI--afterall, we all know how babies get here!), is that over the next several weeks I would not only learn that I was pregnant, but that our baby was likely conceived on Fox's first birthday. 

I know, that might've still been TMI, but it's an important part of the story!

When I realized this, I sat in awe. God had told me "Fox's first birthday," and in my human understanding, I took that as when we could start "trying," when in fact He was telling me when our baby would be conceived. This brought so much peace to my heart. After a very hard year in my faith walking through postpartum depression and anxiety, experiences like this with God mean even more to me than before. 

Baby W 2 announcement
Baby W 2 announcement
Baby W 2 announcement

Rarely does a day go by that I don't think about how precious the gift of life is. I love being pregnant because I feel so close to creation, and more importantly to the Creator. Pregnancy also keeps me very aware of how BIG God is, how beautiful His design for life is, and how little control I have.

There are so many different paths and stories of motherhood, and I often feel conflicted trying to make sense of it all as I pray for my own babies, believe with friends for babies, and mourn when things don't go the way we all wanted. This makes it hard for me to talk about pregnancy and babies without acknowledging that we all have our own stories, and that there is space here for every story.

 If it comes to your mind, we welcome your prayers for our baby girl to be healthy and strong. I pray often that she would be whole, complete, lacking nothing, and we welcome anyone to join us in that prayer. 

If you're pregnant or at any point in your journey of motherhood (a journey that begins long before having a child in your arms) I'd be happy to pray for you, too. Just leave a comment or send me a message. 

Thanks for sharing in this exciting announcement with us, friends.

All photos by Rachel Coffey (love her!)

Fox's Nursery

I grew up with a sister, and I've always been a girly-girl, so when we found out we were expecting a little boy in 2017, I knew it was going to be a new adventure. I was excited about it, and honestly, soon after knowing I was a "boy mom" I could feel God starting to uncover new parts of my heart.

baby boy nursery

When it came to the nursery, I wanted to create a space we could all enjoy. It needed to be peaceful, pleasant, perfectly boy, good for a baby, but not so "baby" that it couldn't grow up with him for a few years. 

I'm naturally drawn to florals and feminine colors, but I think our baby boy nursery is where my love of the color blue was born. There isn't a ton of blue in his room, but I just learned to love so many different shades of blue through the process, and I incorporated them along the way. A space fit for a boy was a design challenge for me, but it was fun to dig deep to bring together a room that would honor our son and be a space where he could feel loved and comfortable. 

The walls were already gray (SW Repose Gray), so we stuck with that. I loved the white and natural wood of the Babyletto cribs, and this choice set some direction for the room. We ended up accenting the room with wood and neutrals, some pops of kid-friendly color, and blues in artwork and accents. 

baby boy nursery
baby boy neutral nursery
baby boy nursery

We found the felt cactus at a local art show, the pillow was a gift, the lamp and throw are from Target, the rocker from a local furniture store, Barnett's, and the Peter Rabbit plate is an heirloom from Woody's childhood. I love mixing in new and old, store-bought and handmade, and most of all, meaningful pieces anytime I design a room.

baby boy nursery with pops of color
baby boy nursery with pops of color
baby boy nursery with pops of color
baby boy nursery with pops of color

I saw the idea for the floating shelves as a bookshelf and loved it. Being able to display the brightly colored books was exactly the kind of pop I was looking for to keep a mostly neutral space fun and kid-friendly. We found our shelves at Ikea. The painting above the crib is by a local Birmingham artist, Jayne Morgan, which I had commissioned as a gift for Woody our first Christmas together. I love the playful images and colors, and having original art in his room was important to me as it is throughout our home. The crib sheets are another fun pop, and the little brown bear was one of my favorite friends when I was little. 

baby boy nursery neutral with pops of color
baby boy nursery with pops of color
baby boy nursery with pops of color

I really hoped to find a dresser for Fox that he could use throughout his life. I looked for solid wood, classic pieces, but I just could not find one I loved in our price range. So, we ended up going practical and economical with an Ikea dresser. It's worked wonderfully with plenty of space, and I love the look of it, too.

His gallery wall is made up of a combination of original art, prints, and a couple architectural pieces. I also adore his Letterfolk board, which we used for his monthly photos. 

baby boy nursery neutral with pops of color
baby boy nursery neutral with pops of color
baby boy nursery neutral with pops of color
baby boy nursery neutral with pops of color
baby boy nursery neutral with pops of color

Better than any piece we ever could've found for his nursery, was finally getting to be in that space with him in our arms. We had dreamed about him, talked about him, and carefully curated all his items awaiting his arrival. Getting to finally enjoy the room with that little person that all the preparation was for, was the sweetest part.

baby boy nursery neutral with pops of color
baby boy nursery neutral with pops of color


Crib // Babyletto from Amazon
Dresser // Ikea
Glider/Rocker // Barnett Furniture
End table // Wayfair
Painting above crib // Jayne Morgan Art
Wooden mirror // Target (similar)
Floating bookshelves // Ikea
Lamp // Target
Felt cactus // Love of Felt
Crib sheets // Petite Pehr
Rug // Green Gates Market
Letter Board // Letterfolk

Nursery Photography // Mary Margaret Smith Photography