February 2016 Goals

I love February, y'all. Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday. I know, it's not the most common choice for a favorite holiday. And no, I wouldn't give up Christmas for Valentine's Day. Yet, there is something so sweet about this day of love and I just adore it.

I love the colors, the hearts and the feelings I get around Valentine's Day. I love that it celebrates love and encourages us to think about the people we hold dear. While marketed toward romantic love, I think it's a great season for all of us to enjoy sweet treats, kind notes and intentional time with the people that bring love into our lives. 

Need a little help spreading the love? Pick up a sweet card in the TLK Shop to celebrate those you love!

Need a little help spreading the love? Pick up a sweet card in the TLK Shop to celebrate those you love!

However you feel about Valentine's Day, I hope your February is full of joy, purpose and of course, love. I'm fired up about what God has put on my heart for this year, and I am so grateful to get to share the monthly journey with you here.

January goals Progress

My January goals didn't happen in my typical fashion because I was still working through the process of goal setting for the year. But, I did take time at the end of the month to look back at the steps I took toward my goals in January, even as I was still creating them! Also, the numbers listed beside each item indicate which of my yearly goals the monthly goal is helping me take a step toward. 

February Goals

I'd love to see your February goals if you've posted them somewhere or want to share them in the comments below!